A silk apron worn by Grand Secretary Reinier Jan van den Broek (van den Broeck), who served as Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New York during the last year of MW Robert R Livingston’s time as Grand Master (1784-1800). This Apron was presented in 1802 by RW van den Broeck’s widow to his successor, RW Daniel D. Tompkins. RW Tompkins served as Grand Secretary from 1801-1804 and Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York from 1820-1822. He also served as Governor of the State of New York from 1807-1817 and as Vice President of the United States of America from 1817-1825.
There were four owners of this apron:
Reinier Jan van den Broek (van den Broeck), Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New York;
Daniel D. Tompkins, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New York; Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York; Governor of New York State and Vice President of the United States of America;
James H. Ward, Secretary of Richmond Lodge No. 384, Tompkinsville, NY
James M. Fuller (incorrectly named Henry M. Fuller in old catalog), Founder and Charter member of Commonwealth Lodge No. 409, Brooklyn, NY.
The lettering on the front of the apron has been altered, from The Grand Lodge of the State of New York, to be given a second designation which reads, “Richmond Lodge of the State of New York.”
Written under the flap on the right side is, “Presented in 1825 to James H. Ward, secretary of the Richmond Lodge by the widow of Daniel D. Tompkins as a tribute of gratitude for his attentions to her lamented husband.”
Click here for a full record of this amazing apron!
Note: Image and research by Catherine M. Walter, Curator