Proud to serve the Masonic community and beyond.

From educational assistance to supporting the troops, we conduct our programs, committees, and charitable efforts with sincerity, dignity, and respect. Learn more details here.

Grand Lodge Programs

Educational Assistance Program

Established by the Grand Lodge of New York and trustees of the Masonic Hall and Home in 1996, the Educational Assistance Program awards more than $500,000 in scholarships to post-high school students who demonstrate academic excellence, community involvement, and merit. Eligible recipients must be the sons, daughters, grandsons, or granddaughters of good-standing Master Masons who belong to lodges within the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of New York.

Here are some fast facts about our Educational Assistance Program:

  • Selections are made in May.
  • Recipients are awarded between June and August.
  • Award presentations take place at central locations throughout New York State.
  • All recipients and their families are cordially invited to attend the presentation ceremonies.
  • The Grand Master and/or the Deputy Grand Master—along with other Grand Lodge representatives—may attend the presentation ceremonies.
Masonic Brotherhood Fund

The Masonic Brotherhood Fund is the charitable arm of the Grand Lodge of New York. The Brotherhood
Fund assumes a solemn responsibility, to alleviate the burdens of our distressed Brothers, their families,
widows, and orphans. Other than our main mission, the Masonic Brotherhood Fund also provides vital
support to our Masonic and community organizations.

Military Outreach Program

Dating back to the Revolutionary War, our time-honored tradition of supporting U.S. troops has never wavered. You’ll find elements of Masonry in the Civil War, World Wars I and II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Gulf War.

To ensure that our Brothers and their family members who serve our country are in the forefront of our minds, we encourage all lodges to identify a Military-Outreach Representative and make his contact information available on your trestle boards. This person will be responsible for doing whatever he can to support local veterans and active-duty soldiers within his reach.

Masonic Blood & Organ Donor Program

In 2014, Most Worshipful Grand Master William J. Thomas created the Masonic Blood & Organ Donor Program, which is a sub-committee of the Masonic Community Services Committee.

We encourage all New York Masons to register as blood and organ donors. To enroll in the Donate Life Registry with New York State, please click the button below.

Surviving Spouses & Loved Ones Committee

This committee provides comfort and support to the widows and families of our deceased Brothers. To make arrangements, Lodge Secretaries should contact Right Worshipful Charles M. Roberts by email at

Grand Lodge Committees

Masonic Youth Committee

The Masonic Youth Committee is dedicated to helping young people build character, compassion, and confidence. Through the development of youth organizations, contests, and awards, the Masonic Youth Committee teaches young people the value of donating their time, shows them what values look like in action, and gives them an opportunity to practice ethical behavior. Together, we’re shaping the character of tomorrow’s leaders.

Leadership and Education

The Leadership and Educational Services Committee issues educational publications to our Brothers, provides leadership training and mentorship to our appointed regional Grand Lodge Officers, and partners with John Maxwell Leadership to offer world-class leadership and communications training to our Maxwell Leadership Certified Team coaches.

Other Grand Lodge Initiatives

The Lewis Jewel for Fathers & Sons

In Masonic culture, a “Lewis” is the son or grandson of a Master Mason, and joins a lodge carrying on the tradition of the men from his family. Historically, a lewis is a simple but ingenious device employed by operative Masons to raise heavy blocks of dressed stone into place. It consists of three metal parts: two wedge-shaped side pieces and one straight centerpiece that fit together. From there, a dovetailed recess is cut into the top of the stone block.

The Lewis Jewel for Fathers & Sons takes this same shape and represents a father and son who are both Masons. The Grand Master has approved the jewel to be worn by members of the Grand Lodge of New York. Masons may wear the jewel during Masonic events. Contact us for more information..

Lewis Jewel Eligibility Prerequisites

  • Fathers-in-law and stepfathers who are Masons are eligible to wear the jewel as are their sons.
  • Sons of deceased Masons are eligible to wear the jewel.
  • No paperwork or verification is required to wear the jewel.
  • If you can trace your Masonic pedigree back generations, you are able to wear a bar for each Brother Mason who was your relation.
Optional Hand Salute for Military Veterans

The Flag Code of the United States allows military veterans the option to render a hand salute to the flag. Our Grand Master is a Navy veteran, and he encourages (but does not require) military veterans to join him with the hand salute. The Flag Code was amended by Congress on January 28, 2008. Section 9 pertains to the salute and reads:

  • §9. Conduct during hoisting, lowering or passing of flag
    During the ceremony of hoisting or lowering the flag or when the flag is passing in a parade or in review, all persons present in uniform should render the military salute. Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute. All other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, or if applicable, remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Citizens of other countries present should stand at attention. All such conduct toward the flag in a moving column should be rendered at the moment the flag passes.
Prince Hall Liaison

We are proud to have a warm and fraternal relationship with the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York (MWPHGLNY). Our Grand Masters have visited each other’s Grand Lodges and constituent lodges ever since a mutual recognition was established in 2001.

In 2002, Most Worshipful Carl J. Smith of the Grand Lodge of New York and Most Worshipful Daniel Simmons of the MWPHGLNY met for the first time in a tiled lodge.

The Grand Master of New York strongly encourages you to reach out to your local Prince Hall Lodge and extend the hand of brotherly love and friendship. To learn more about the MWPHGLNY, please visit

In order to visit the MWPHGLNY, you will need to:Have your dues card.

Wear a dark suit (preferable black), white shirt, dark tie (preferably black), white gloves. Bring your own apron (or select one from accessible aprons when you arrive).

Notify your Deputy District Grand Master (DDGM) for permission if you are traveling with a large delegation.

If you wish to join the MWPHGLNY, the GLNY grants you permission to do so. However, the MWPHGLNY has its own Constitutional prohibition of dual memberships.

Observant Masonry

Observant Masonry is a form of Freemasonry that emphasizes the study of philosophical and spiritual teachings as well as the performance of charitable works. It is characterized by a greater focus on spiritual matters and often includes Ritual embellishments that enhance the initiatic experience of the candidate to Freemasonry. To learn more about Observant Masonry, please click the button below.