Find documents, forms, and applications for your Grand Lodge.

Documents & Forms Web Portal
The documents and forms web portal includes certificates of good standing, certificates of clearance, and dimit forms. The portal is accessible only to Grand Lodge Secretaries, District Deputy Grand Masters, and Grand Lodge Staff Officers.
Annual Reports Web Portal
The annual reports web portal is accessible only to authorized Grand Lodge representatives and members of Grand Lodge committees.
MBF Grant Program Portal
The purpose of the Masonic Brotherhood Foundation (MBF) grant program is to provide a modest level of financial support to 501(c)3 qualified Masonic organizations in New York State in recognition of their contribution to the overall work of the Craft in our Grand Jurisdiction. The grants will be based on the financial need of the requesting organization. These grants are intended for brick-and-mortar style projects, where the requesting organization will be able to point to specific measurable outcomes that will directly benefit the people the organization serves.