Grand Lodge of New York Awards

Learn more about each of these prestigious awards below.

Community Service Awards

The community service awards recognize an individual or organization for their commitment to voluntary community service. To qualify for this award, nominees must freely contribute their time, skills, and/or financial support to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others. Community service as a means of business development will not be considered. 

There are three different community service awards:

DeWitt Clinton Award

The DeWitt Clinton Award recognizes exceptional Voluntary community service by non–Masonic organizations or individuals. Such services are to be ones that exemplify concern for the well-being of the community. The service provided should assist in freeing the community from concern the safety and/or welfare of its citizens. Nominations will not be considered for this award if the Community Service performed is in any way related to the Nominee’s current job description or in the charter of an organization which the nominee belongs. In such case, the nomination should be submitted for the Grand Lodge Certificate of Appreciation for Excellence in Service to the Community.

Jacob Morton Award

The Jacob Morton Award recognizes Exceptional voluntary community Service by a Mason or a Masonic organization. Such service is to be one which exemplifies concern for the well-being of the community. The service provided should assist in freeing the community from concerns affecting the safety and/or welfare of its citizens and is of a nature that goes beyond what is expected of a Mason or Masonic organization. Nomination will not be considered for this award if the Community Service performed is in any way related to the Nominee’s current job description. In such cases, the nomination should be submitted for the Grand Lodge Certificate of Appreciation for Excellence in Service to the Community.

Click HERE for the nomination form.

Grand Lodge Certificate of Appreciation for Excellence in Service to the Community

This certificate is awarded to those individuals and/or organizations, including Masons that do not meet the highest criteria necessary to receive the DeWitt Clinton Award or the Jacob Morton Award but deserve recognition from Grand Lodge.

Not many will pass the stringent requirements for the DeWitt Clinton or Jacob Morton award, but many will, and should be, nominated for the Grand Lodge Certificate.

Youth Committee Awards

Visit our Youth Page for application forms and links.

General Douglas MacArthur Youth Award

This award is to be presented to a non-mason of any gender or any organization, for their “exemplary and voluntary “community service to youth. A2” bronze medallion now accompanies this certificate. Included is a personal letter of congratulations from our Grand Master.

Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award

The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter Award is a National recognition approved by the Boy Scouts of America to recognize outstanding service to the youth of our communities through service connected with the Scouting movement. A personal letter of commendation accompanies the certificate from our Grand Master.

Masonic Scout Awards

The Masonic Eagle Scout Award – Eagle Scout Commendation
For those qualified as Eagle Scouts, a personalized commendation certificate, available for framing. Also included is a personal letter of congratulation from our Grand Master, accompanied with a Boy Scout nationally approved bronze medallion. The medallion, with the Masonic Square and Compasses with the words New York Masons and Citizenship emblazoned on it, is most impressive.

Masonic Girl Scout Award – Gold Award Girl Scout Recognition
For those qualified as a Gold Award Girl Scout, a personalized commendation certificate is available for framing. GSUSA approved. A personal letter of congratulation from our Grand Master, accompanied with a GSUSA “Gold” gilt pin, with the Girl Scout logo, along with the Masonic Square and Compass upon it.

Masonic Youth Volunteer Medallion

This medallion is given to those volunteers who assist our Youth.

Frank M. Totten Essay Contest

The Fifth Manhattan Masonic District Association Endowment Fund, Inc. has sponsored for over 60 years and has given this committee the privilege to conduct the Frank M. Totton Essay Contest. The contest is open to any high school senior who is the child or grandchild of a Master Mason. or a Masonic Youth Group, and anticipates entering an accredited college in the Fall of the concerned year.

Grand Lecturer Awards

Henry Meacham Award

The Henry Meacham award recognizes a lodge that demonstrates proficiency in the presentation of the three Masonic degrees. To qualify, a lodge must reference its own members who demonstrate proficiency in all three degrees within the same year

Howard W. Potts Award

The Potts Award is given by the Grand Lecturer to any Lodge that has all of the major officers present at the District Grand Lecturer’s Convention. To receive this award, the Lodge must have the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Senior and Junior Masters of Ceremonies in attendance.

Lodge Service Award Certificates

Lodge Service Award Certificates are available from Lodge Services at Certificates are available from 5 years of service to 80 years of service. The Lodge Secretary (or the Worshipful Master) must order them for the Brothers in the Lodge with Lodge Milestones. An Order Form is sent in the Annual Return Packet in December of each year to each Lodge Secretary with a list of eligible recipients in the ensuing year. Lodge Service is based on the Date of Raising less any lost time due to Non-payment of Dues, Suspensions, and Non-affiliation of the brother. Milestones of 50 years or higher (55, 60, 65, etc. …) are Grand Lodge Certificates signed by the Grand Master and Grand Secretary, and are accompanied by a Masonic Apron free of charges (sponsored by the Masonic Care Community and the Masonic Medical Research Institute). Anniversary pins are also available for order. Please contact for further information. 

Grand Lodge of New York Medals and Awards

Distinguished Achievement Award

The award of the Grand Lodge Medal for Distinguished Achievement is made to such members of the Fraternity as shall have achieved distinction in some field of endeavor beneficial to humanity.

The Grand Lodge Rules of Order state that there shall be “A Committee on Grand Lodge Award for Distinguished Achievement. Its duties shall be to investigate and recommend to the Grand Master the award of the Grand Lodge Medal for distinguished Achievement to such members of the Fraternity as shall have achieved distinction in some field of endeavor beneficial to humanity,”

The Distinguished Achievement Award recognize Brothers for their contribution to a wide range of human endeavors, such as art, science, military service, business, law, medicine, entertainment, athletics, exploration, and government. Established in 1934, this is the oldest and most prestigious award of our Grand Lodge.

The Charles Henry Johnson Medal

The Charles Henry Johnson Medal was created at the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge in 1951. It was named in memory of our Past Grand Master and Grand Secretary “Who gave his all in furtherance of our ideals, and whose contribution to Freemasonry throughout the world stands as a monument of unselfish service to, and love of, his fellowmen. “The Medal is awarded by the Grand Master to members of the Fraternity in good standing in this or any other Jurisdiction, irrespective of rank or title , who have rendered distinguished or unusual service in furthering the good name of the craft, its principles and purposes.

The first award of this medal was to Senior Past Grand Master Townsend Schudder, who had by then rendered 63 years of exemplary service to our Grand Lodge.

Brother Theodore Roosevelt Masonic Award

The Brother Theodore Roosevelt Masonic Award honors men and women who demonstrate exemplary civil service, including members of policy, law, and fire departments at the federal, state, and local levels; and emergency medical services (EMS) personnel. This award is open to civil servants, Mason or Non-Mason, regardless of sex, age, religion or ethnicity.

The Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Award

This award, first granted in 1974 by Grand Master Lloyed S. Cocherano, goes to those who have earned it through their accomplishment in literary work for the Fraternity. They have used the written words as a means of advancing Masonry and enhancing its reputation among members and with all mankind.

It honors the memory of Chancellor Robert R. Livingston, who was Grand Master from 1784 to 1801. It was he who established complete independent and state-wide jurisdiction for our grand Lodge. Among his many distinguished service to the state and to the nation was his administering the oath of office to President George Washington on April 30, 1789.

Wendell K. Walker Builder of Men Award

Those members of the Fraternity selected for the Wendell K. Walker Award have emerged as extraordinary in their devotion to the principles of the orders, and through conscious effort and untiring work, have helped to shape others into those smooth stones fit for inclusion in the Celestial Lodge above, and are correctly identified as Master Builder in the Craft …Builders of Men. 

George Peter Medal for Educational Achievement

The George Peter Medal is given to those Brothers who have attained a high degree of Masonic Education and have dedicated their Masonic lives to educating others. They must be a member of a minimum of fifteen years. They must participate as an instructor, facilitator, mentor, or developer in the Grand Lodge Education and Leadership courses, and/or:

  1. Publish Masonic Education or Leadership Talk;
  2. Publish Educational or Leadership articles in Masonic publications;
  3. Develop other Masonic Educators and Leaders
The Khaled E. Tabet Medal

The Khaled E. Tabet Medal is presented to any deserving member within the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the state of New York, specifically for loyalty and faithfulness to the Grand Lodge of New York.

The Grand Master’s Award of Appreciation

The Grand Master’s Award of Appreciation is given to Brothers who have rendered outstanding service to the Craft, whether while holding an official Grand Lodge position, or by way of some other effort on behalf of Masonry.

The Dedicated Service Award (DSA)

The Dedicated Service Award recognizes Brothers and past Masters who continue –year after year-to support their lodges and district with their presence, time, and talent. Qualified nominees demonstrate their contributions by regularly attending lodge and district meetings, participating in degrees and programs (with or without holding an office), and inspiring others to emulate their examples of true Masonic dedication.

The Grand Master’s Certificate of Appreciation

The name of this award aptly expresses its purpose. It is presented to those who have rendered outstanding service to the Craft in various Grand lodge positions, or in some particular effort on behalf of masonry.

It was first presented by Grand Master Charles F. Gosnell in 1970, with award going to five eminent members of the Craft.

Masonic Veterans Recognition Medal

The Grand Lodge of the State of New York is honored to announce the creation of a Masonic Veterans Recognition Medal designed to Honor and distinguish those Brothers who have answered the call to Serve their Country. And to emphasize that:

A Veteran is someone who, at one point in their life wrote a blank check made payable to Their Country, for an amount up to and including their life.

The Grand Lodge of the State of New York’s Masonic Veterans Recognition Medal is rich in symbolism and honors a Veteran’s Service by displaying the character of a Veteran with a Maroon Ribbon. An unusual and unconventional color, that symbolizes strength, bravery, heroism, inner strength, and courage. The White Cross represents purity, bravery, sacrifice, honor, and heroism. The Green Laurel leaves represent victory, honor, eternity and maturation of their knowledge and peace.