Meet the men who lead our jurisdiction.


Grand Master

MW Steven Adam Rubin

Deputy Grand Master

RW Robert L. Hogan, Jr.


Senior Grand Warden

RW Mark J. Loughran

Junior Grand Warden

RW John Haslam, Sr.


Grand Treasurer

RW Alberto G. Cortizo

Grand Secretary

RW Richard T. Schulz

Grand Marshal

RW Peter Unfried

Deputy Grand Marshal

RW Nicholas J. Paolicelli

Senior Grand Deacon

RW Gustavo Teran

Junior Grand Deacon

RW Gary Salgado

Grand Standard Bearer

RW Adison M. Cruz

Deputy Grand Standard Bearer

RW John Pasqualicchio

Grand Lecturer

RW Gregory Noulas

Judge Advocate

RW Hon. Louis R. Rosenthal


RW Nicholas J. Batsidis

Grand Pursuivant

RW Richard W. Bateman

Grand Tiler

RW Don C. Gorham

Grand Organists

RW Donald C. Hammon

RW Eric S. Howd

RW Jordan I. Kaplan

RW Frank L. Miller

RW Charles J. Semowich

RW Francis K. Wilcox

RW Gerald F. Irwin

RW stands for “Right Worshipful,” a title given to a senior Grand Lodge official, either elected by the members of Grand Lodge or appointed by the Grand Master to Grand Lodge service. MW or Most Worshipful is the title bestowed upon the election to the office of Grand Master of Masons. It is the highest official rank that can be earned by those who serve our Grand Lodge as its elected leader.