This bust of Right Worshipful Edward M. L. Ehlers was carved by Worshipful Gutzon Borglum, the man who made Mt. Rushmore.
RW Ehlers, Past Master, Continental Lodge No. 287, NY, NY,, served as Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New York for thirty-five (35) years, 1882-1917, and during the administration of twenty-two (22) Grand Masters. He was honored in 1901 to become the second Honorary Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York.
This bust was carved by Worshipful Borglum, Master, Howard Lodge No. 35, NY, NY, after he wrote a letter asking RW Ehlers to please travel down to DC. from NY and sit for him so he could make a bust of RW Ehlers for the benefit of his future Brethren. On permanent display at the The Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library, which is free to visit and open to the general public.
W. Borglum wrote the letter to his Brother on a sheet of vellum, which is also part of the collections of the Library and Museum of the Grand Lodge of New York.
Note: Image and research by Catherine M. Walter, Curator