Dear Brethren,
September 11th is indeed one of the most somber and riveting days in the life of our beloved Nation. It stands equally alongside such horrendous and devastating acts as December 7 th , the Day that Pearl Harbor was attacked; November 22 nd , the Day our President, John F. Kennedy, was assassinated; and April 4 th , the Day the Reverend and Brother Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated. A sinister and fearful cloud permeated the very fabric of our society on 9-11, and yet the forces of good coupled with the strength and fortitude of a united people came into fruition to rebuild what was lost and brought comfort and solace to those who mourn.
Hundreds of Brother Masons from all over our Grand Jurisdiction in New York State in tandem with fellow Brother Masons from across the Globe answered the call with a most generous and kind-spirited gift amounting to well over $2,870,000 in aid for the distressed families of the victims. Remembering the generosity and benevolence freely given during that turbulent time reaffirms my convictions and makes me so very proud of our Masonic Fraternity.
The noted humanitarian and physician, Dr. Albert Schweitzer aptly said, “There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed.” In memory of the many victims of the September 11th Attack on America and in cohesion with their families, we gratefully bear witness to the genuine and unselfish expression of charity expressed by our Brethren near and far.
Our humble and quiet fraternity of Freemasons have always been first in line to do our part toward answering the call of the distressed in providing a source of much needed help, especially to those adversely affected by cowardly acts of violence against our citizens. These unprecedented assaults were especially traumatic and harrowing to the population of our beautiful city of New York and our Capital in Washington, where peoples of many nations, religions and ethnicity visit, reside and work together for the betterment of society.
The heartfelt compassion and empathy that the members of our Fraternity have displayed for their fellow human beings during that hour of darkness has been a source and fountain of benevolent light. Together, we have emerged from this tragic and dispirited experience united with a renewed zeal for bringing back peace, harmony, and brotherhood throughout the world. The essence of True Masonic Brotherhood will be a beacon of hope for all to see and emulate. My Brothers, your good works shall Never Be Forgotten! It’s called Brotherhood!
In closing, reflecting upon my recent travels to Finland and Estonia, I would like to share a short but true story that is most apropos today as it was when originally told in 1941. During the height of World War II, the Pro Grand Master of Finland, RW Brother Marcus Tollet, spoke of a little boy at a local seaport in Finland who looking at the various sailing ships noticed one flying a strange flag on its masthead, he asked his father, “What flag is that?” He knew the flags of the Scandinavian countries and of all the countries that border on the Baltic, but this was a different flag; and his father replied, “It is the Freemason’s Flag – It is the Stars and Stripes of the American Flag”. Amen.
With kind fraternal love,
Steven Adam Rubin
Grand Master