Summer Message
My Brothers,
Summer is in full swing, zoom has faded, picnics and BBQs are here. Something else that is also here? Lodges meeting and having degrees through the summer. I have the pleasure of acknowledging dispensations EVERY WEEK for lodges to continue with their forward movement during the summer.
In speaking with R. ̇.W. ̇. Richard Schulz Grand Secretary, he now sets aside a portion of his week just to concentrate on new dues cards. Now THAT is a good sign.
But while we have gone from 0 to 500 MPH in a short time, we still need to remain cautious. For the last year our focus on health and safety became obvious. All eyes were on our Masonic Care Community, its staff and residents. I had the pleasure of catching up with Ms. Katie Friot, the infectious Disease Coordinator for the MCC who took the time to update us on where we were and where we are now?
Remember those masks you made on your dining room tables? Wonder where they went? Listen to Katie at the NYMASONS.ORG in the Grand Masters Message and find out. Katie and the staff are living proof that Masonry Never Stops!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
William M. Sardone
Grand Master