Freemasonry in the 21st Century:
Self and Society
Saturday, January 18, 2025 – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Program of Speakers

“America’s Epidemic of Male Loneliness”
Major General William Green, Jr.
U.S. Army Chief of Chaplains
Director, Institute for Religious Leadership

“Timeless Bonds: The Cultural Relevance of Fraternal Orders in the United States”
Dr. Heather K. Calloway
Executive Director
University Collections, Indiana University

"Freemasonry in 2026: A Needed Force for Good"
MW Bro. Akram Elias

“Gen Z’s Search for Accomplishment, Authenticity, and Meaning”
Bro. Bull Garlington

“The Elephant in the Room”
Bro. Jim Loporto

“Freemasonry: The Craft of Self Actualization, a Western Path to Enlightenment”
Bro. Michael LaRocco
Attire for the day is business casual. Masonic Con attendees will have a discount at the parking lot located on the corner of Sixth Avenue and 24th Street. To enter Masonic Hall, please use the door on 24th Street. Government-issued photo ID will be checked at the door. Registration will open at 8 a.m. in the Wendell Walker Room on the ground floor, and Masonic Con’s speakers program will commence at nine o’clock inside the Grand Lodge Room on the third floor.
1781 Society Social
Join us for this Post-Con Event — Cocktails and socializing with our guest speakers and Grand Lodge leadership.

Mariners Lodge 67’s Beefsteak Dinner
Friday, January 17, 2025 @ 6 p.m.
Kick off the lodge’s bicentennial celebration with its famous Maritime Festive Board.